Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us.


P.O. Box 612
Macksville. NSW. 2447

+61 425205737

Jenny's Kitchen provides a delicious range of handmade & home made jams, chutneys, relish, pickles & honey. All the products are made from locally produced ingredients that are selected for their quality, picked from the farm & transferred straight to the kitchen.

All of Jenny's products are made with love in Jenny's Kitchen. That's our guarantee.

Spicy Mustard Pickle.jpg

Contact Us

Need to know more?

You can contact Jenny's Kitchen in one of the following ways:

Phone: +61 425 205 737


Address: P.O. Box 612, Macksville NSW 2447

Or send an inquiry on the form below:




Please contact Jenny's Kitchen should you have any feedback regards our product range. We guarantee our products 100%.